
Click on each seminar to see more details.

June 2022

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Past Seminars

Basics of git and github (Vinícius C. Port)caprilesport

In this seminars a very introductory explanation will be given about what is git (and github), how it works, the basic usage and some applications for our day-to-day work.

Useful links:

Git manual

What is source code management

An introduction to the internals of git

Transition state search and microkinetic simulations: a tiny workshop on using overreact (Felipe S. S. Schneider)schneiderfelipe

We'll talk a bit about transition state searches and the usage of overreact for exploring reaction space.

A Brief Introduction to Single Supermolecule Electronics (@colaco-mat)colaco-mat

In this seminar an introduction to Single Supermolecule Electronics (SSE) will be presented, including some supremolecule architectures, challenges and the role of Computational Chemistry within this emerging field.


  1. Chen, H., Fraser Stoddart, J. From molecular to supramolecular electronics. Nat Rev Mater 6, 804–828 (2021).
Bayesian statistics, structural elucidation and the DP4 probability (Vinícius C. Port)caprilesport

In this seminar the very basics of Bayesian statistics will be presented, followed by a short introduction in the challenges of structure elucidation and the DP4 probability.

References: - (1) Smith, S. G.; Goodman, J. M. Assigning Stereochemistry to Single Diastereoisomers by GIAO NMR Calculation: The DP4 Probability. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132 (37), 12946–12959. - (2) Howarth, A.; Ermanis, K.; Goodman, J. M. DP4-AI Automated NMR Data Analysis: Straight from Spectrometer to Structure. Chem. Sci. 2020, 11 (17), 4351–4359. - (3) van de Schoot, R.; Depaoli, S.; King, R.; Kramer, B.; Märtens, K.; Tadesse, M. G.; Vannucci, M.; Gelman, A.; Veen, D.; Willemsen, J.; Yau, C. Bayesian Statistics and Modelling. Nat Rev Methods Primers 2021, 1 (1), 1.


Energy decomposition analysis methods and approaches (Giovanni F. Caramori)gfcaramori

The XEDA package is presented, in which a quantitative analysis of intermolecular interactions can be performed. The code contains a series of variational EDA methods, including LMO-EDA, GKS-EDA and GKS-EDA(BS) to analyze non-covalent interactions and strong chemical bonds in various environments, including van der Waals interactions, hydrogen bonds, radical–radical interactions and strong covalent bonds.

Ref.: Journal of Computational Chemistry 2021, 42 (32), 2341–2351..

A Alchemical Approach to estimate binding affinity in supramolecular complexes (@fabiopra)fabiopra

A short description goes here if you'd like. References, links to slides, or software are most welcome!

overreact, an in silico lab: automative quantum chemical microkinetic simulations for complex chemical reactions (Felipe S. S. Schneider)schneiderfelipe

This seminar introduces overreact, a novel Python package for propagating chemical reactions over time using data from computational chemistry only (Journal of Computational Chemistry 2022, submitted). overreact infers all differential equations and parameters from a simple input that consists of a set of chemical equations and quantum chemistry package outputs for each chemical species.

We evaluate some applications from the literature: gas-phase eclipsed-staggered isomerization of ethane, gas-phase umbrella inversion of ammonia, gas-phase degradation of methane by chlorine radical, two solvation-phase reactions, and a simple solvation-phase acid-base equilibrium. We show how it is possible to achieve reaction profiles and information matching experiments.


XEDA, a fast and multipurpose energy decomposition analysis program. (Giovanni F. Caramori)gfcaramori

The XEDA package is presented, in which a quantitative analysis of intermolecular interactions can be performed. The code contains a series of variational EDA methods, including LMO-EDA, GKS-EDA and GKS-EDA(BS) to analyze non-covalent interactions and strong chemical bonds in various environments, including van der Waals interactions, hydrogen bonds, radical–radical interactions and strong covalent bonds.

Ref.: Journal of Computational Chemistry 2021, 42 (32), 2341–2351..

Balmy.jl: Desenvolvimento de Software para Cálculos de Aromaticidade: Implementação com Ambiente Gráfico (Letícia Maria Pequeno Madureira)Leticia-maria

Prévia do Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso do Curso de Graduação em Química do Centro de Ciências Físicas e Matemáticas da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina para a obtenção do título de bacharel(a) em Química, apresentado por Letícia M. Pequeno Madureira.

Full text: Leticia Madureira & Giovanni Caramori, TCC I.