Molecular Electronic Structure Group

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GEEM - Molecular Electronic Structure Group

Welcome to the GEEM website. We are located at the Department of Chemistry at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil. Our group is engaged in the application and development of computational facilities for chemistry, in particular, to solve problems in catalysis, chemical kinetics, unusual bonding situations that take part in molecular recognition and self-assembly processes, supramolecular chemistry, photochemistry, materials chemistry, and others. The website is oriented towards people interested in computational chemistry and its applications, giving them a glimpse of our ongoing research activities and ourselves.





Research topics

Computational resources and users guide

Science Outreach Project - Qcomp

| Contact | | :——– | | Departamento de Química, CFM | | Campus Universitário Trindade, C.P. 476, 88040-900 | | Trindade, Florianópolis – SC – Brazil | | Phone: +55-48-3721-3644/3607 | | | | | ***