Getting started with overreact as a library

🎯 overreact also has a detailed API documentation, which you can read here.

Here is an overview of overreact's capabilities as a Python library. overreact allows you to build any thinkable reaction model:

>>> import overreact as rx
>>> from overreact import constants
>>> scheme = rx.parse_reactions("S -> E‡ -> S")
>>> scheme
Scheme(compounds=('S', 'E‡'),
       reactions=('S -> S',),

The ‡ symbol is used to indicate transition states (but the # symbol is also accepted). Many different reactions can be specified at the same time by properly giving a list. Equilibria are recognized as having <=>. Reactions preserve the order they appeared in the input.

Similarly, compound data is retrieved from logfiles using parse_compounds:

>>> compounds = rx.parse_compounds({
...     "S": "data/ethane/B97-3c/staggered.out",
...     "E‡": "data/ethane/B97-3c/eclipsed.out"
... })
>>> compounds
{'S': {'logfile': 'data/ethane/B97-3c/staggered.out',
       'energy': -209483812.77142256,
'E‡': {'logfile': 'data/ethane/B97-3c/eclipsed.out',
       'energy': -209472585.3539883,

After both two line above, we can start analyzing our complete model:

>>> rx.get_k(scheme, compounds)

Even with a rather simple level of theory (B97-3c), this result compares well with the experimentally determined value (\( 8.3 \times 10^{10} \text{s}^{-1} \)).

The line above works by calculating internal energies, enthalpies and entropies for each compound, but you can do this in separate lines as well. In fact, in any temperature:

>>> rx.get_internal_energies(compounds) # 298.15 K by default
array([-2.09280338e+08, -2.09271131e+08])
>>> rx.get_internal_energies(compounds, temperature=400.0)
array([-2.09275396e+08, -2.09266995e+08])

Values are always in joules per mole and honor the original order of compounds, as they were initially given. The same thing can be done for enthalpies and entropies (in joules per mole per kelvin):

>>> temperature = 300.0
>>> enthalpies = rx.get_enthalpies(compounds, temperature=temperature)
>>> enthalpies
array([-2.092778e+08, -2.092686e+08])
>>> entropies = rx.get_entropies(compounds, temperature=temperature)
>>> entropies
array([227.9, 221.9])

Now free energies are easy, we just use full power of NumPy arrays:

>>> freeenergies = enthalpies - temperature \* entropies
>>> (freeenergies - freeenergies.min()) / constants.kcal
array([0. , 2.63129486])

In the above, we calculated free energies relative to the minimum.

More code examples of using overreact as a library are given in the notebooks folder. A more detailed description of the available code examples is given next.